My name is Dean Waterman
My Story
Being brought up in Stratford and expecting to go to Stratford Grammar School, in 1968 my mum 'forced' me to go to East Ham Grammar - best thing she could ever have done for me, without a doubt.
I have been associated with the Old E's on the social side probably since 1971-72 but I couldn't understand lots of my friends 'going to school' on a Saturday as I initially saw the football playing side of things - I was already out working anywhere I could to earn a few quid !
I think I only ever played once for the Old E's - on tour in Newcastle, as a sub... - but I attended every possible social event and watched a few games over at Langdon.
Every Friday night out on the booze for 25 years I had to listen to non-stop match reports, great goals, cock-ups & banter from at least 3 or 4 of the different teams the guys were in.
I was at the centenary dinner & dance in 2009 and not too long after that I became aware that the football club was in serious decline from our once heady position in the SAL with seven teams playing.
I hadn't realised quite how drastic the situation had become and was very concerned when I heard that the E's were going to shut down, purely for financial reasons.
I offered to step in with a 'rescue plan' and took control of the finances. Due to very poor pitches a move from our then 'home' at East London Rugby Club was very apparent which I helped engineer along with a sad farewell to the Southern Amateur League because it was getting increasingly difficult to motivate new players to take on all of the travelling required to games far & wide. I was honoured to be asked to become Chairman in 2013 and even won 'Clubman of the Year' once - an award that I had watched being presented to numerous stalwart & deserving players & 'staff' over the previous 40+ years - I was chuffed to bits !
Having made the move to Fords Sports & Social Club in Newbury Park we also changed to the more 'local' Essex Alliance Football League. With John & Keith, Danny Harris & a few others, we set about restructuring the club. Initially we had great results, culminating in both teams winning their respective leagues - along with a very well attended 'end of season' dinner & dance - we had finally started to look like we were moving forward as a club - back to 'the good old days' !
Unfortunately, due to an ever worsening disciplinary record, after two major, unacceptable incidents there was no option other than for me to disband the entire first eleven, promote the second team and try to rebuild, again. We got back to fielding two sides but there were not enough playing staff willing to take on administrative roles so the club reverted to just one team.
Whilst there were no longer any disruptive financial problems the club has, of late, just been treading water and I am overjoyed to embrace this latest burst of input, energy, positive attitude and forward thinking that the new management team are bringing to the club. I am happy & proud of my tenure as Chairman, which helped enable the club to survive long enough to reach this point, and equally pleased to become President of the club.
My support will continue for as long as I draw breath !