Our governance and code of practice place a strong emphasis on fair play, respect, and sportsmanship when it comes to player behaviour. Additionally, we highly value our affiliation with associations that share these values and assist us in upholding high standards within our club.
Our Code of Conduct guidelines explain our expected behaviour of all players and officials in our club. It covers topics such as discrimination, harassment, confidentiality, and ethics. Following it creates a positive culture for all.
Player Contract
Our Agreement is made between the Club and the player. The Club engages the Player and the Player accepts the Terms and conditions of being a member of Old Es.
Disciplinary Code
Club Notices
Click here to read the latest notices regarding the club and officials and associations.
Our club charter is a document that outlines the purpose, goals, and structure of our club. It serves as a guide for players, supporters and officials and helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Our charter provides all the necessary information to help ensure that the club runs smoothly and that everyone is working towards the same goals.
Click on icon to read our Charter